Mount St. Mary's University to Host Panel Discussion on "How America has Changed Since 9/11"

Emmitsburg, MD (04/03/2017) — Mount St. Mary's University will host a panel discussion titled "How America has Changed Since 9/11." Four panelists will discuss a wide array of topics including:

- U.S. military transformation and the extended period of conflict that remains today.

- First Amendment rights relating to speech codes and student free expression versus hate speech at university campuses.

- Fourth Amendment rights relating to technology use and its relationship with the "all-or-nothing" fallacy of security and privacy concerns.

- The balance of security with civil liberties.

- How veterans and their families cope with the aftermath of war.

- How the events have led to the decline of our ability to process trauma, possibly leading to weakened immune systems, higher anxiety levels, lower resiliency and more vulnerable to future stressors.

The panelists will include:

- Timothy Trainor, Ph.D., Mount St. Mary's University interim president.

- Pratibha Kumar, Ph.D., assistant professor, department of communication.

- Tim Wolfe, Ph.D., director of human services, sociology and criminal justice department.

- Bill Prudden, lecturer, department of history.

Tim Fritz, Ph.D., assistant professor, department of history will serve as the moderator.

The panel discussion will be held on Monday, April 3 at 6 p.m. in Knott Auditorium and is expected to last approximately 90 minutes.